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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Solutions start by recognizing mistakes!

Jeffrey Sachs (in ‘The end of poverty’) wrote: “The main cause of long term Climate Changing, the combustion of fossil energies, is, disproportionately, the result of the rich countries actions”.
To apply solutions one has to recognize mistakes!
The Spanish minister in charge of the energetic area says he is “tired of sustainable energy talk”... The president Rajoy comes after and says: “what do we know about what is going to happen to the planet in 300 years!?” Meaning something like ‘who cares about Conservation in the present’! But, Mr. Rajoy, we are talking about only a few decades in advance! The best example comes from Tanzania: scientists say ‘eternal snows’ will disappear from the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro already between 2015 and 2020! Droughts and violent storms that have affected this privileged corner of Europe also should give him something to think about: “We already know what to do about global warming, the most difficult part seams to be”, said the journalist (canal 24h, 22.03.12), “to accommodate the rhythms of politics to the timings of the planet”!

Photos: receading glaciers on top of Kilimanjaro

Monday 16 April 2012


PARAGUAÇÚ's project and Marina de Lagos refered to in an article... See Navegar magazine of April!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Salewa Helium 2.0

New helmet, Salewa Helium 2.0. Only 250 gr.